  • ENE-HVAC-5
  • 加熱, 通風和空調系統
  • 空氣系統設計: ●圓管尺寸適當 ●圓型風管 ●避免過長和有過多障礙物(例如彎頭、窄管等)
  • Having a clear idea of the requirements for a ventilation system helps to make the right choices and to decide on the right design. These may be:
    ●clean air intake
    ●maintenance of environmental conditions ( temperature, pressure, humidity, etc.), for either improving comfort and health within working areas or for product protection
    ●transportation of materials
    ●extraction of smoke, dust, humidity and/or hazardous products.
    The flow diagram shown in Figure 3.42 can assist in determining the most suitable energy efficiency options for a particular situation:

    The flow diagram shown in Figure 3.42 can assist in determining the most suitable energy efficiency options for a particular situation:
    Interactions and their relative effects, particularly between the fan and the air duct system, can account for a high percentage of the losses in a given circuit. A coherent approach must therefore be used to design a system that meets both functional specifications and optimal energy efficiency requirements.
    The following types of ventilation system can be used, see Figure 3.41:
    ●general ventilation: these systems are used to change the air in large volume working areas. Several types of clean air ventilation systems are possible, depending on the premises to be ventilated, the pollution, and whether or not air conditioning is required. Airflow is a major element influencing energy consumption. The lower the flowrate, the lower the energy consumption
    ●specific ventilation: these ventilation systems are designed to remove emissions as close as possible to the source. Unlike general ventilation systems, they are directed at localised pollutant emissions. These systems have the advantage of capturing pollutants as soon as they are emitted, using specific intakes, and preventing them from being propagated throughout the work area. They have the following advantages:
    ○ preventing any contact with their operators
    ○ avoiding the renewal of all the air in the work area.
    In both cases, extracted air may require treatment prior to discharge to the atmosphere (see the CWW BREF).


  • None reported.

  • Applicable to all new systems or when upgrading.


  • In most audited installations, potential energy savings of up to 30 % of consumption have been detected. There are many possible actions giving a return on investment often within 3 years.


  • Energy Efficiency (2009)