  • 10.
  • 汽電共生類通用性
  • 汽電共生系統已備便
  • 這包括在蒸汽系統中要確定及保留一個特定的出入口以便未來蒸汽能被抽出,且也要預留足夠的空間供未來配管、熱交換器、除礦水容量、備用鍋爐及背壓氣渦輪機等安裝(CHP readiness: this includes identifying and retaining access to specific points in the steam system from which steam can be extracted, as well as making sufficient space available to allow the later fitting of items such as pipework, heat exchangers, extra water demineralisation capacity, standby boiler plant and back-pressure turbines.Balance of Plant (BoP) systems and control/instrumentation systems are suitable for upgrade. Later connection of back-pressure turbine(s) is also possible)

  • 參考文件:LCP (2021)


